Sunday, October 25, 2009

Scrum Tools | XPlanner-Plus | Review + Development Plan

XPlanner-Plus implements core functionality for agile project management.

XPlanner-Plus views a project according to iterations, user stories, and tasks. As prescribed by the Agile paradigm, any XPlanner-Plus-managed project is planned and tracked according to a successive series of iterations. Each iteration consists of a start date, an end date, and a collection of user stories with tasks inside.

Development plan:
Features development.

- Develop Customizable Dashboard;
- Installation for Windows;
- Create additional fields: "Story Points", "Business Value", "Versions/Release planning";
- customizable list of values (statuses for stories, tasks);
- drag and drop stories;
- Product Backlog;
- Advanced search with Filters;
- set of properties, which allow to configure the behavior of XPlanner+;
- button "Redraw charts" for admin, as now charts are updating only once a day. (developed)

Technical development.

- remove Struts Spring plugin (done)
- improve build script to support several configurations
- upgrade dependencies (in progress)
- upgrade to use Hibernate annotations and migration to Hibernate 3.

To be continued...


  1. Hello. This project looks interesting. I like what I've seen of the UI. I'm curious why you decided to fork XPlanner instead of contributing your modifications to the XPlanner project. I'm not criticizing the decision, but just wondering.

  2. hi Steve.
    better late then never...

    We wanted to give the new life to XPlanner, so we renamed it and started to manage and to promote. as it's not convenient to manage a project and to make new releases, if you are not admin.
